Athennian Next Generation: 2023 Release

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Athennian Team

We’re excited to introduce the latest version of our cloud-based entity management and business workflow platform: Athennian Next Generation. 

Athennian Next Generation allows business teams to scale their central source of truth.

  • It enables teams and end clients to begin self-serving, removing the idea that paralegals need to track everything down for other teams. 
  • It enables teams to do more high-value work faster in Athennian using bulk workflows.
  • Users can bring more data into Athennian than ever before, to continue to confidently and accurately expand their central source of truth with different data formats. 

We Aim to Deliver Value, Always

First and foremost, our product teams’ priority is to continuously deliver value in Athennian. We do this in a variety of ways. 

We use an Agile approach to product development. Agile provides a more flexible approach than traditional software development by building features in shorter increments of time. This allows our team to quickly respond to customer feedback and evolve the plan along the way, instead of being locked into a longer term development plan with little flexibility. This way we can continue building more value in Athennian. 

“As a VP of Product, I've seen firsthand how Agile product development can drive innovation and success. By working in iterative sprints, we're able to quickly adapt to changing customer needs and market trends, allowing us to deliver enhancements in Athennian faster and more efficiently. Agile product development empowers our teams to collaborate and experiment, fostering a culture of creativity and continuous improvement."
Akshay Kumar, VP of Product

We plan in quarterly cycles and deliver major enhancements every quarter. We collect feedback and identify priority roadmap items during our quarterly discovery period. Our development teams implement these enhancements into the product and they are then released to our customers.

However, apart from these quarterly cycles, we deliver new outcomes in Athennian continuously through our smaller, regular releases. 

This allows us to continually provide a top-quality product that meets the evolving needs of our customers.

Collecting and Implementing Feedback

At the start of each quarter, we review feedback from customers and pull out key highlights. This quarter, for example, we understood that there is a greater need for our customers to see people and entity connections, bring in more types of data into Athennian, better visualize people in ownership, and overall, to pull more detail into Athennian to allow for better data accuracy. 

After collecting customer feedback over the last few quarters, we have funneled it into 4 different areas where we believe that we can make the most impact, and bring the most value to Athennian. 

Connected Data

The enhancements in this area of impact allows our customers to better track individual relationships as they relate to entities faster and with more flexibility. Our customers can provide accurate and credible reflections of entity records throughout time by filtering data to display only what is needed.

Workflow Efficiency 

Enhancements to workflow efficiency include standardizing manual document tasks using templates, enabling bulk actions on multiple entities to scale document generation, optimizing DocuSign for engaging external parties and signatories, and removing detective work by accessing information quickly and actioning workflows without questioning credibility.

Undivided Source of Truth 

With an undivided source of truth, customers can eliminate division in data sources and bring more entity information into Athennian. Additional file types and formats can be managed, stored and collaborated on directly in Athennian. This removes data siloes and builds towards a more robust central source of truth. 

“When data is spread across multiple disparate systems, it leads to inefficiencies, errors, and a lack of visibility. By consolidating all business and entity data into Athennian, our customers can better streamline operations, mitigate risk, and provide a trusted and reliable view of their corporate records. This not only improves decision-making but also empowers cross-functional teams to be more efficient and effective.”
Charlé West, Product Manager

Controlled Access 

By allowing different people and teams into the Athennian platform to get the information they need, our customers unlock even better workflows and connected data in Athennian. They will be able to better mitigate risk and take the guesswork out of who did what and when, allowing them to streamline data control by reviewing and auditing licenses regularly. 

“We have centralized the management of access to Athennian to give Administrators complete transparency over who has access to what, including tracking the access over time. This management also ensures anyone granted access will only see what is relevant in their individual role. To take this one step further, Minute Books and Charts can easily be refined in Athennian to meet stakeholders’ differing needs with just a few clicks of the mouse.”
Hali Wong, Product Manager

Athennian Next Generation: Empowering Your Teams 

Athennian was built on a strong core foundation of entity management. We know that we excel at storing corporate records and maintaining data accuracy. 

Athennian Next Generation will expand the central source of truth into a platform where day-to-day workflows are integrated. We want our customers to complete all of the workflows they need to do from within Athennian. 

This will mean that different departments, such as accounting or finance, can be given access to Athennian to view the information they need without having to rely on paralegals.

This frees up time for higher-value work, improves collaboration, and businesses can start making decisions based off of the same data source. 

Athennian Next Generation will empower your teams to do work easier and faster, backed by accurate data.

Learn more about Athennian Next Generation by watching our on-demand product webinar here.

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"Very easy to use, modern interface, excellent support. Athennian has an amazing conversion team. They helped us migrate all of our data and the training was very good."

Megan W, Director

“When we were reviewing other entity management systems on the market, in some cases, we were not comparing apples to apples. But with Athennian, there was really no comparison. The paralegals were so excited to come on board.”

Linda Escobar, Senior Paralegal

"There are so many things I like about this program, but the one thing that really stands out is the user friendly interface. The program is fast and allows me to enter corporate information very quickly and efficiently. I would also like to note that Athennian provides the most the fantastic customer service."

Kelly R, Corporate Law Clerk

Cloud-based entity & subsidiary management platform
Paper Interactive, Inc. 2024. "Athennian" is a registered trademark of Paper Interactive, Inc. in the United States, Canada and other countries. All rights reserved.