Don't Let KYC/UBO Checks Slow You Down

Complete KYC/UBO packages in minutes not weeks to accelerate global expansion, closing deals, and growing your business.
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Don't Let KYC/UBO Checks Slow You Down

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Product Tour

Generate beneficial ownership and structure charts instantly.

Athennian organizes complex ownership and control relationships so you can automate charts to visualize relevant relationships instantly.
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Generate beneficial ownership and structure charts instantly.
Securely store ID and corporate documents.

Securely store ID and corporate documents.

Athennian's advanced permissions allows you to centrally store sensitive documents with controlled access to specified individuals.
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Know when your legalized documents expire.

Set reminders for when legalized or notarized documents are set to expire so you always have certified versions ready for KYC requests.
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Know when your legalized documents expire.
On-Demand Webinar

U.S. Corporate Transparency Act: How will Legal Teams Comply With FINCEN's New Beneficial Ownership Regime?

Stay Prepared for the Upcoming Changes. This webinar, hosted by Athennian CEO Adrian Camara and Customer Success Manager Charlé West, featuring guest speaker Michael Kline, Partner, and Assistant General Counsel at Fox Rothschild LLP, will provide a high-level overview of the new U.S. Corporate Transparency Act. Learn what FINCEN's Beneficial Ownership regime means for legal teams and how best to approach these upcoming challenges. Determine the risks and penalties for non-compliance, and unlock tech best practices to stay abreast of the new changes.

Watch the Webinar

See It In Action

“Athennian has improved our processes and we’re able to find the answers we need in 5 minutes or less. As an example - it used to take us hours to find authorized signatories. Now, I open up my resolutions in Athennian, scroll through my notes, and I can find the information I need quickly.”

Paralegal Manager
Multi-Strategy Alternative Asset Management Firm
Read the Case Study

Gain Real-Time Visibility into Relevant Risk Data

Strengthen your KYC and AML processes by centralizing and automating key compliance workflows. Utilize document generation tools that support multiple languages, providing the ability to conduct your processes globally.
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